




How to claim $KMNO?


Apr 26, 2024

Kamino Finance with their airdrop is one of the biggest announcements on Solana. Let us tell you how to claim $KMNO with Nightly Wallet on Solana chain.

Kamino Finance with their airdrop is one of the biggest announcements on Solana. Let us tell you how to claim $KMNO with Nightly Wallet on Solana chain.

Kamino Finance with their airdrop is one of the biggest announcements on Solana. Let us tell you how to claim $KMNO with Nightly Wallet on Solana chain.

What is Kamino?

Originally designed for easy liquidity provision and yield farming, Kamino Finance quickly became Solana's top LP product. Now, it's a pioneering DeFi platform merging lending, liquidity, and leverage. Users can borrow/lend, provide leveraged liquidity, create automated strategies, and use positions as collateral, all with a user-friendly interface - all that made Kamino one of the biggest DeFi on Solana, allowing them to reward their users.

How to partecipate in Kamino airdrop?

To check if you are enable to claim your $KMNO airdrop, you have to check if you got any allocation for Kamino Genesis Airdrop. You can do that on Kamino Finance website in the $KMNO dApp.

When does Kamino Airdrop launches?

Kamino launches its $KMNO airdrop on 30th of April 2024.

How to claim $KMNO?

To claim Kamino Airdrop you simply have to connect to your wallet (you can use Nightly Wallet to do that), and on 30th connect to Kamino website and click "claim allocation" button. It's simple as that!

On Solana there are lots of great dApps and some of them make some sneakpeaks of their future airdrops. If you need a wallet that will cover all of them, download Nightly and become the real airdrop hunter on Solana!

What is Kamino?

Originally designed for easy liquidity provision and yield farming, Kamino Finance quickly became Solana's top LP product. Now, it's a pioneering DeFi platform merging lending, liquidity, and leverage. Users can borrow/lend, provide leveraged liquidity, create automated strategies, and use positions as collateral, all with a user-friendly interface - all that made Kamino one of the biggest DeFi on Solana, allowing them to reward their users.

How to partecipate in Kamino airdrop?

To check if you are enable to claim your $KMNO airdrop, you have to check if you got any allocation for Kamino Genesis Airdrop. You can do that on Kamino Finance website in the $KMNO dApp.

When does Kamino Airdrop launches?

Kamino launches its $KMNO airdrop on 30th of April 2024.

How to claim $KMNO?

To claim Kamino Airdrop you simply have to connect to your wallet (you can use Nightly Wallet to do that), and on 30th connect to Kamino website and click "claim allocation" button. It's simple as that!

On Solana there are lots of great dApps and some of them make some sneakpeaks of their future airdrops. If you need a wallet that will cover all of them, download Nightly and become the real airdrop hunter on Solana!

What is Kamino?

Originally designed for easy liquidity provision and yield farming, Kamino Finance quickly became Solana's top LP product. Now, it's a pioneering DeFi platform merging lending, liquidity, and leverage. Users can borrow/lend, provide leveraged liquidity, create automated strategies, and use positions as collateral, all with a user-friendly interface - all that made Kamino one of the biggest DeFi on Solana, allowing them to reward their users.

How to partecipate in Kamino airdrop?

To check if you are enable to claim your $KMNO airdrop, you have to check if you got any allocation for Kamino Genesis Airdrop. You can do that on Kamino Finance website in the $KMNO dApp.

When does Kamino Airdrop launches?

Kamino launches its $KMNO airdrop on 30th of April 2024.

How to claim $KMNO?

To claim Kamino Airdrop you simply have to connect to your wallet (you can use Nightly Wallet to do that), and on 30th connect to Kamino website and click "claim allocation" button. It's simple as that!

On Solana there are lots of great dApps and some of them make some sneakpeaks of their future airdrops. If you need a wallet that will cover all of them, download Nightly and become the real airdrop hunter on Solana!